Tuesday, August 11, 2009

my latest creations...

SOLD "oceanic" bracelet. $6.00 (including box)

SOLD "scorpion queen" bracelet. $6.00 (including box)

Let me know if you want me to reserve anything for you by emailing me. I will be selling some of my jewelry this Saturday. Remember, once it is sold, it is sold. Each piece is unique. All pieces are available unless marked "RESERVED" or "SOLD."


  1. hey Che these are beautiful!! I would like the pop and Mist sets and the 80 days earrings if you still have them!! Thank You so much!! This is Casey Esplin by the way!!

  2. Casey, I'll hold them for you! Thanks for your business! :)

  3. Hi Che,

    I don't know if you remember me but you were in my ward forever ago. I really love the crystalized set, is there anywayyou could make a necklace to match? shoot me an email! Thanks

    Amber DeVaney

  4. Hey che... How much will those be? I am so sorry I forgot! Let me know and I will get them this week!
